
Construction site restoration services focus on cost-effective, ecologically responsible, and successful restoration of impacted habitats. At the location illustrated, plants are establishing well and will be blooming with new growth in time for early summer occupation of the residence.

Site work began with removal of the “native topsoil” to conserve the native seed bank and restore the vegetation. After excavation work, the native soils were graded out for the new plantings. Clay underlies the thin topsoil and drives plant selections and sizes.

We used 2” plugs of Swamp Milkweed, Boneset, Southern Blue Flag Iris at the water’s edge. Also included was a base planting of sedges and rushes that include Bebb’s Sedge, Three Square Rush, and Little Bluestem grass. The plants rooted in well and were blooming by August.

The next section planted was the shrub zone, which extends from the rock cobble edge, nearly to the top of the bank. Again, native soils were graded out and 1 – 5 gallon sized potted shrubs were planted. Native shrubs include Red-osier Dogwood, Common Ninebark, Kalm’s St. John’s Wort, Shrubby Cinquefoil, and Bay Berry. The final zone to be planted this fall was the zone next to a newly installed sidewalk, and includes Fragrant Sumac, Creeping Juniper, Bearberry.

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